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Unity Developer III

09/2022 +, Dynamic Software Solutions (DS2), LLC

  • Unity development of a training simulation centered around military airfield rapid damage repair.

  • Created an animation-friendly 3D game asset LOD pipeline using Simplygon and 3ds max for Unity.

  • Designed and implementated several GIS data integration workflows for Unity-based products.

  • Created a pipeline that converts airfield GIS runway data into navmeshes for use by A* pathfinding agents.

  • Ported an internal VR simulation from standalone to Oculus/Meta Quest 2 (running at 72 fps average).  I used Google Seurat to create the environment.

Senior (VR) Unity Developer

02/2022 - 9/2022 (8 Months), Secret Location

  • VOIP implementation using FMOD + Photon (Fusion PUN) Voice.

  • VR Haptics system implementation.

  • “Hand Menu” (main user settings interface) implementation.

  • “Post-Game” UI (rewards and XP user interface) implementation.

  • “Scoreboard” refactors and optimization.

  • Audio/Fmod event work.

Simulations Developer III

03/2021 - 12/2021 (9 Months), Contract, ShadowHealth, Elsevier

  • Assisted in the creation of 6 novel medical training modules deployed to the company LMS site, as WebGL content.

  • Responsibilities included:

  • Worked with other developers (more or less senior than myself) to replicate assets from existing training modules to create new training modules.

  • Created systems that enabled new interactions between the user and their patient. Notably, an interview segment that occurs between the user and an adolescent patient showing symptoms of an eating disorder.

  • Collaboration with nurse educators, Technical Designers and Artists for the creation of these training simulations.

  • Implemented editor tools and other quality-of-life improvements to the codebase.

  • For a project, I focused on improving the end-user's experience on the lowest-end hardware that I could reasonably find (a Chromebook). I analyzed the performance of 5 different training modules in our portfolio, sampling the frame rate every second over the duration of each module for comparison with later optimizations. I made many different optimizations, around texture compression, lighting, occlusion culling and camera render flag settings. I used the data sets to generate a composite graph for each simulation, demonstrating an overall FPS improvement of as much as 60% in some segments, but on average over 15%.

XR Developer

05/2020 - 03/2021 (10 Months), Full-time, Kinemagic, Inc

  • Leadership; creation of a novel VR training simulation about pipeline maintenance for a top 3 oil and gas client.

  • For Stratus, I redesigned a new world space and screen space UI and UX system for the main user experience.  I redesigned the tools and interaction system to be more user-friendly, more understandable by our target consumer and more similar to competitor products.

  • For Stratus, I implemented a new "point of view" tool that enables the user to save first person points of view that they can travel to later using the tablet UI list.

Development Standards Lead

12/2019 - 05/2020 (1 year, 5 Months), Contract, ExxonMobil

  • Technical Leadership of one vendor-developed training simulation centered around construction site safety awareness and training.

  • Sole or co-development of 4 VR training simulations centered around working-at-heights, marine refinery dock inspection, lifting and rigging.

  • I pre-produced (i.e. storyboarding, prototyping and game design) 3 internal serious game projects.

  • Engineering game platform (Android/PC) and VR HMD (i.e. Oculus Quest, Vive Pro) cross-compatibility of internally-developed sims.

  • Co-developed an SDK (NPM packages built for Unity3d’s package manager) meant to expedite vendor training simulation development as well as improve the quality of source code returned to us upon project completion.

  • Traveled twice to refineries to capture video, audio and image references for training simulations in pre-production. Also conducted interviews with refinery workers (SMEs) to get a better understanding of the training we were making.

  • Pre-produced and co-designed a kids video game for a geological museum.

  • Converted one training simulation from the standalone platform to the Oculus Quest platform. Additionally made a feature and content expansion to that simulation.


12/2017 - 12/2018 (1 year), Contract, ExxonMobil

  • Implemented a feature expansion to one training simulation made in Unreal Engine 4.

  • Implemented a Unity application used by researchers to conduct a published VR User-Centered Design (UCD) study focused on determining, through user feedback, the best approaches to UI interaction, VR locomotion, hand-object interactions, etc.

  • Created a proof of concept for a construction training simulation using Unity3d.


2017 [8 months], Contract, SixGen LLC.

  • Development of a VR AND Desktop-compatible virtual training center for administering and tracking user progression through cyber security-related training and testing material.

  • Creation of test delivery and UI analytics systems.

  • Creation of a 3d warehouse virtual environment and of several high-fidelity military models.


2017 [1 Month], Freelance, MediaRez LLC.

  • Video and Animation for PSA Animation made in Maya.

  • Unity engineering for serious games.


2016 [11 Months], Contract, Sparkypants LLC.

  • 3d modeling, texturing, rigging and animation.

  • Physically-based material development (Substance designer and Quixel).

  • Solving and forecasting design and implementation pipeline-related problems with other artists, designers and programmers on the team.


2014 [8 months], Volunteer, Dominating Studios

  • World building and level design in Unreal Engine 3 for a first person shooter: Critical Point: Incursion.

  • Project management, task delegation and design iteration with other 3d artists on the team.


2011-2015 [4 years], Maryland Institute College of Art, Bachelor's in Interactive Arts

  • Major: Game Design: Software Design; C#, JavaScript, HTML & CSS Programming; Level Design; UI design; and Unity3d engineering and prototyping.

  • Minor: Game Art: 3d modelling, animation, character design, world building and texturing.


Houston, TX USA


+1 (754) 423-4462


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